Kamis, 03 November 2011

Ciri-ciri asam urat tinggi

Asam urat sebenarnya salah satu jenis dari Rematik. Ada sekitar 100-an jenis rematik, namun yang membedakan asam urat dengan rematik pada umumnya adalah asam urat atau gout lebih menyerang di bagian sendi, khususnya sendi-sendi jari.

Asam urat adalah zat yang merupakan hasil akhir dari metabolisme purin dalam tubuh yang kemudian dibuang melalui urin. Pada kondisi gout, terdapat timbunan atau defosit kristal asam urat di dalam persendian. Sendi merupakan bagian yang paling mudah dihinggapi kristal-kristal asam urat selain juga pada bagian kulit dan ginjal yang merupakan akibat dari penambahan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Kristal-kristal tersebut akan menyebar ke dalam rongga-rongga sendi sehingga terjadilah peradangan akut atau terjadi gout. Jika terjadi selama bertahun-tahun, deposit kristal asam urat dalam sendi tersebut dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan sendi secara permanen.
Ciri-ciri serangan pertama asam urat pada umumnya berupa serangan akut yang terjadi pada pangkal ibu jari kaki, dan seringkali hanya satu sendi yang diserang. Namun gejala–gejala tersebut dapat juga terjadi pada sendi lain seperti pergelangan kaki, punggung kaki, lutut, siku, pergelangan tangan, tangan atau jari, juga termasuk juga ginjal.

Mengatasi asam urat pun lebih mudah, anda cukup menghindari makanan seperti: jeroan seperti usus, limpa, paru, hati, jantung, dan otak. Melinjo dan olahannya seperti emping; Kacang-kacangan yang dikeringkan beserta olahannya seperti kedelai, - kacang tanah, kacang hijau, toge, oncom, tempe, tahu. Makanan yang diawetkan seperti sarden, kornet. Kerang, kepiting, cumi-cumi, udang, ekstrak daging/kaldu. Minuman beralkohol seperti bir, tape, ragi, tuak, dan minuman hasil fermetasi lainnya. Sayuran dan buah seperti: bayam, kangkung, daun singkong, asparagus, kacang polong, kacang buncis, kembang kol, nanas, durian, dan air kelapa.

Penyakit rematik ada ratusan jenisnya. Bahkan, hampir seluruh penduduk dunia pernah mengalami nyeri atau pegal di bagian tubuhnya. Jangan anggap sepele, karena pegal ini bisa jadi gejala rematik. Tua muda, bahkan anak-anak bisa terserang rematik.

Cakupan pengertian tentang rematik memang cukup luas. Ciri-cirinya terasa nyeri di daerah persendian, pembengkakan, kemerahan, gangguan fungsi sendi dan jaringan di sekitarnya termasuk gejala rematik. Bahkan, semua gangguan pada daerah sendi, otot, dan tendon disebut rematik.

Rematik terdiri dari lebih 100 jenis. Tapi, ada empat jenis rematik yang sering dijumpai di Indonesia, yakni osteoarthritis yang disebabkan oleh pengapuran; rematik luar sendi yang menyerang jaringan di luar tulang rawan; rematik peradangan dan rematik yang disebabkan oleh pengeroposan.

Sekitar 50% keluhan nyeri sendi disebabkan oleh pengapuran. Pengapuran berarti menipisnya jaringan tulang rawan yang berfungsi sebagai bantalan persendian. Bantalan yang aus menyebabkan terjadinya gesekan tulang sehingga menimbulkan nyeri. Pengapuran ini merupakan proses degenerasi yang dimulai pada usia 40 tahun.
Sayangnya belum ditemukan obat untuk penyembuhan pengapuran. Pengobatan yang diberikan sekadar untuk menghilangkan gejala. Jika sudah benar-benar rusak, harus dilakukan operasi penggantian sendi.

Pada usia muda umumnya rematik disebabkan oleh peradangan. Peradangan ini bisa disebabkan karena asam urat atau sebab lain. Rematik karena asam urat banyak dijumpai pada pria berusia 30-40-an. Hal ini terjadi karena kelebihan hasil metabolisme purin yang tertimbun di persendian. Timbunan ini yang menimbulkan rasa sakit di persendian.

Sedangkan Rheuumatoid Arthritis (RA) termasuk peradangan persendian yang penyebanya masih belum diketahui.
RA bisa menyerang siapapun termasuk balita. Peradangan penyakit ini terjadi pada jaringan synovial yang terdapat dalam persendian. Jaringan ini berfungsi untuk menghasilkan cairan pelumas dalam sendi. Pada pasien RA, jaringan ini membengkak dan banyak menunjukkan sel yang meradang.

Pengobatan rematik yang benar membutuhkan diagnosa yang tepat mengingat rematik terdiri dari ratusan jenis. Pasien rematik akan menjalani tes darah dan foto rontgen untuk didiagnosa jenis rematiknya. Setelah itu bisa diputuskan program dan lamanya pengobatan.

Olahraga ringan seperti jalan kaki bermanfaat untuk penderita rematik karena asam urat. Pasalnya, jalan kaki membakar kalori, memperkuat otot dan membangung tulang yang kuat tanpa menganggu persendian yang sakit.
Untuk melakukan olahraga sebaiknya meminta pendapat dokter atau terapis supaya mengetahui gerakan-gerakan terbaik.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Teknologi – Kali ini kami akan memberikan tips n triks buat anda yaitu menghidupkan komputer jarak jauh melalui LAN. Menghidupkan komputer secara jarak jauh dapat mempersingkat waktu sehingga anda dapat menghemat waktu.

Mungkin bagi sebagian orang yang menggeluti dunia IT hal ini sudah bisa dikatakan basi, namun kami tertarik untuk membagikan tips n triks ini buat anda yang belum tahu bagaimana cara menghidupkan menghidupkan komputer jarak jauh. Bahkan buat anda yang awan dengan komputerpun dapat melakukan hal ini dengan membaca tips n triks berikut ini. Langsung saja silahkan baca dengan cermat tips n triks menghidupkan komputer jarak jauh dari kami ini.

Menghidupkan komputer jarak jauh tidak semudah mematikan komputer jarak jauh. Dalam melakukan remote komputer agar dapat menghidupkan komputer jarak jauh ini ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan. Yang paling utama perlu anda perhatikan adalah NIC atau LAN Card serta mainboard yang mendukung fitur WOL (Wake On LAN). WOL merupakan fitur pada LAN Card yang jarang dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna biasa. WOL adalah Teknologi Ethernet standar yang memungkinkan komputer dapat dihidupkan oleh pesan jaringan (network message). Pesan biasanya dikirim oleh program sederhana yang dijalankan pada komputer lain pada jaringan area lokal (LAN). Jika anda terhubung ke sebuah jaringan WIfi, WOL standar tidak dapat diterapkan. Namun WOL dapat dikirim melalui WMM Wireless Extensions Multimedia, atau bisa juga disebut Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN).

 Berikut adalah rincian beberapa hal yang anda butuhkan untuk menghidupkan komputer melalui LAN:

Kita membutuhkan sebuah LAN Card atau NIC yang telah mendukung WOL
MAC Address (Alamat Fisik) atau IP Address dari NIC yang kita gunakan.
Pengaturan Power manajemen atau setingan WOL di BIOS.
Aplikasi Fusion WakeUp On LAN atau lainya anda bisa cari di Google.
 Jika persiapan diatas sudah terpenuhi langsung saja ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:

Pertama, Lakukan pengaturan BIOS caranya berikut ini:
Masuk ke BIOS kemudian pilih Power Management
Kemudian lihat pilihan fiture Wake on LAN kamu ganti Enable jika belum
Kemudian Save and Exit
Kedua, Nyalakan komputer lalu masuk kepengaturan hardware melalui Device Manager, kemudian pilih Network Adapter>NIC yang digunakan>Double Click>Pilih Tab Advanced. Dalam list tersebut lihat pilihan Wake from Shutdown atau Shutdown Wake Up (Biasanya tiap merk mainboard memiliki istilah berbeda.

Ketiga, Silahkan siapkan aplikasi pendukung Wake on LAN, bisa menggunakan Fusion Wake on LANyaitu aplikasi gratis yang dapat anda gunakan untuk menghidupkan komputer jarak jauh melalui LAN. Setelah itu kemudian install. Setelah selesai kemudian jalankan.

Terakhir, klik tombol Get MAC. Secara otomatis akan ditampilkan MAC address komputer tujuan. Untuk memulai proses penghidupan, silahkan Klik tombol Turn on PC. Jika tidak terjadi kesalahan, Fusion WOL akan menampilkan pesan kelayar bahwa komputer tujuan telah dihidupkan.
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Dia adalah rantai penghubung
Antara dunia ini dan dunia akan datang
Kolam air manis buat jiwa-jiwa yang kehausan,
Dia adalah sebatang pohon tertanam
Di lembah sungai keindahan
Memikul bebuah ranum
Bagi hati lapar yang mencari.

Dia adalah seekor burung 'nightingale'
Menyejukkan jiwa yang dalam kedukaan
Menaikkan semangat dengan alunan melodi indahnya

Dia adalah sepotong awan putih di langit cerah
Naik dan mengembang memenuhi angkasa.
Kemudian mencurahkan kurnianya di atas padang kehidupan. Membuka kelopak mereka bagi menerima cahaya.

Dia adalah malaikat diutus Yang Maha Kuasa mengajarkan Kalam Ilahi.
Seberkas cahaya gemilang tak kunjung padam.
Tak terliput gelap malam
Tak tergoyah oleh angin kencang
Ishtar, dewi cinta, meminyakinya dengan kasih sayang
Dan, nyanyian Apollo menjadi cahayanya.

Dia adalah manusia yang selalu bersendirian,
hidup serba sederhana dan berhati suci
Dia duduk di pangkuan alam mencari inspirasi ilham
Dan berjaga di keheningan malam,
Menantikan turunnya ruh

Dia adalah si tukang jahit yang menjahit benih hatinya di ladang kasih sayang
dan kemanusiaan menyuburkannya

Inilah penyair yang dipinggirkan oleh manusia
pada zamannya,
Dan hanya dikenali sesudah jasad ditinggalkan
Dunia pun mengucapkan selamat tinggal dan kembali ia pada Ilahi

Inilah penyair yang tak meminta apa-apa
dari manusia kecuali seulas senyuman
Inilah penyair yang penuh semangat dan memenuhi
cakerawala dengan kata-kata indah
Namun manusia tetap menafikan kewujudan keindahannya

Sampai bila manusia terus terlena?
Sampai bila manusia menyanjung penguasa yang
meraih kehebatan dgn mengambil kesempatan??
Sampai bila manusia mengabaikan mereka yang boleh memperlihatkan keindahan pada jiwa-jiwa mereka
Simbol cinta dan kedamaian?

Sampai bila manusia hanya akan menyanjung jasa org yang sudah tiada?
dan melupakan si hidup yg dikelilingi penderitaan
yang menghambakan hidup mereka seperti lilin menyala
bagi menunjukkan jalan yang benar bagi orang yang lupa

Dan oh para penyair,
Kalian adalah kehidupan dalam kehidupan ini:
Telah engkau tundukkan abad demi abad termasuk tirainya.

Suatu hari kau akan merajai hati-hati manusia
Dan, kerana itu kerajaanmu adalah abadi.

Penyair..periksalah mahkota berdurimu..kau akan menemui kelembutan di sebalik jambangan bunga-bunga Laurel...

(Dari 'Dam'ah Wa Ibtisamah' -Setitis Air Mata Seulas Senyuman)

:+: Kahlil Gibran :+:

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Kode kesalahan di dapat pada MP printer:

E2-2 = No paper (ASF) E2-2 = Tidak ada kertas (ASF)
E3-3 = Paper hours E3-3 = Paper jam
E4 = No ink E4 = tinta Tidak ada
E5-5 = The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge is installed, or the ink cartridges are not installed properly E5-5 = Kartrid tinta tidak terpasang atau cartridge tinta non-didukung diinstal, atau kartrid tinta tidak terpasang dengan benar
E8 = Waste ink absorber full, or platen waste ink absorber full E8 = penyerap tinta penuh Limbah, atau limbah ink absorber pelat penuh
E9 = The connected digital camera / video camera does not support Camera Direct Printing E9 = The digital yang terhubung kamera / video kamera tidak mendukung Percetakan Kamera Langsung
E14 = The Ink cartridges whose destination are wrong E14 = Ink cartridge yang salah tujuan
E15 = Ink cartridge is not installed E16 – Ink remaining is unknown E15 = kartrid tinta tidak terpasang E16 - Ink tersisa tidak diketahui
E16-E19 = Failed to scan head alignment sheet E16-E19 = Gagal untuk memindai lembar penyelarasan kepala
E22 = Carriage error E22 = Carriage error
E23 = Paper feed error E23 = umpan kertas kesalahan
E24 = Purge unit error E24 = Purge unit yang kesalahan
E25 = ASF (cam) sensor error E25 = ASF (cam) sensor error
E26 = Internal temperature rise error E26 = kenaikan suhu internal error
E27 = Waste ink absorber full or platen waste ink absorber full E27 = penyerap tinta penuh Limbah atau limbah ink absorber pelat penuh
E28 = Ink cartridge temperature rise error - E28 = Ink cartridge kenaikan suhu kesalahan -
E29 = EEPROM error E29 = EEPROM error
E33 = Paper feed position error E33 = umpan kertas posisi kesalahan
E35 15 = USB Host VBUD overcurrent error – USB E35 15 = USB Host VBUD arus kesalahan - USB
E37 17 = Abnormal motor driver error E37 17 = Abnormal motor yang sopir kesalahan
E40 20 = Other hardware error E40 20 = kesalahan hardware lain
E42 22 = Scanner error E42 22 = Scanner error

Good luck and hopefully useful to you. Good luck dan semoga bermanfaat bagi Anda.
kesalahan e3 asing buat aku, E3 object Error ternyata karena Jam Kertas Printer Canon kertas macet

Hari ini saya mendapatkan E3 kesalahan pada seri printer Canon MP 258. Pada saat dihidupkan, printer tampak untuk bekerja tapi akhirnya printer berhenti dengan E3 kode kesalahan, dan kertas macet peringatan muncul pada monitor komputer.

Saya mencoba untuk memeriksa kondisi baki kertas printer dan terlihat halus. Tapi ketika saya diperiksa lebih dekat, saya menemukan sebuah sekrup terjebak di dasar baki kertas. Aku mengambil sekrup keluar dan kemudian saya mengoperasikan printer. Tada ..., printer hanya bekerja dengan baik .. Kesalahan ikon senyum E3 atau Jam Kertas Printer Canon

Kesalahan E3 atau kertas macet biasanya disebabkan oleh dua faktor, yang pertama karena kerusakan mekanis atau sensor yang rusak / tidak bekerja. Dan yang kedua adalah karena terhambatnya aliran kertas karena ada kotoran atau benda asing yang menghalanginya. Aku sudah beberapa kasus serupa karena benda asing terjebak di baki kertas. Saya telah menemukan sebutir beras, helai rambut, pena, biji buah yang menyebabkan kemacetan kertas pada printer.

Untuk mencegah kesalahan muncul lagi, ada baiknya untuk selalu menutup baki kertas printer Anda saat printer Anda tidak digunakan.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

dari pada bikin pusing kepala gue lg, mk ku posting aja di sini. siapa tau berguna buat yg lg pusing banget nyari driver speed up 3g su6380u. ketemu link downloadnya disini jd hilang dech pusingnya. silahkan aja yg mau down load tdk ada yg melarang. nah disini link down loadnya.
nggk pakek muter2 nggk jls langsung lancar tanpa hambatan. ok nggk ush banyak omong tambah nggk jls aja

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

 A Ferrari is not just about speed. It is an expression of beauty, power, excitement and pleasure. A Ferrari exudes excellence
from the original concept to the finished product, and the Ferrari One offers the same sensations down to the finest detail.
Race to your destination with this attractive, less-than-1-inch-thin netbook that delivers superb performance!

Exclusive style

The Ferrari One proudly displays on its red cover the Scudetto Ferrari that has dominated
Formula One since the very first race. This netbook delivers a special rear design that's easy to
grab and carry, along with obliquely angled VGA and LAN ports for quick use. The interior is full
of exquisite features and details such as metallic, red LED-lit buttons, a checkered palm rest
finish, and smooth, elevated keys on the Acer FineTip keyboard.

Championship performance

At its heart, the Ferrari One is driven by a Second Generation AMD Ultrathin Platform with
VISION technology, which balances high responsiveness and quick multitasking with extended
battery life. And the ATI Radeon™ HD 3200 graphics solution and up to 4 GB DDR2 memory
bring out the best from the pre-installed 64-bit Microsoft Windows® 7 operating system.

Passion for entertainment

First you see it: With an 11.6" HD Acer CineCrystal LED LCD display supporting 1366 x 768
resolution, the amazing image quality on the Ferrari One will make you look twice. And then you
hear it: The built-in speakers are fine-tuned and deliver vibrant Third Generation Dolby® Home
Theater®-enhanced surround sound.

Swift connectivity

Stay connected with the Acer InviLink™ Nplify™ 802.11a/b/g/Draft-N Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™
network connection supporting Acer SignalUp™ technology. And get optimum expandability for
external devices with Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR. An optional 3G solution is also available for those
who want maximum connectivity on the move. What's more, the low-light-enhanced Acer Crystal

Eye webcam allows excellent VoIP conferencing, even in noisy environments.


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD -
Bluetooth - Webcam

Part Number LU.FRC02.066
 Get fantasic mobile connectivity in just the shade that suits you with the 10.1" Aspire One D255. Available in five striking
colors, the design is stylish and ultra-thin. Stay mobile with 8 hours of battery power and and get online anywhere you get a
cell phone signal via optional 3G. Smart usability and easy "carry-ability" make this netbook ideal for everyday computing on
the go.

Get the color that suits you best

You can choose from five colors to fit your style and personality: Aquamarine, Diamond Black,
Sandstone Brown, Ruby Red and Seashell White. Get the one that matches your wardrobe best!
The Aspire One D255 is a fashionable accessory decorated in attractive shades. Accentuating
the elegant appearance are chrome-plated logos and a transparent power button that portrays a
floating effect.

Full-day on-the-go power

Go all day on one charge! The Aspire One D255 lets you work, play, and stay in touch longer
thanks to its 8-hour battery, plus an Intel® Atom™ processor and LED-backlit display, which
consume less power. Charge up once wherever you go using the petite Acer MiniGo AC adapter,
which is 34% lighter than typical adapters! Additionally, jet-setters will appreciate the
interchangeable AC converters, which are always great for international travel.

Small form, big functionality

The Aspire One D255 is less than 1" thin and about 1 kg, so it's easy to carry wherever work or
play takes you. Ultraportable yet fitted with regular-size notebook ergonomics, this netbook
features a 93% standard-size keyboard with bigger keys for comfortable typing, and a wide multi-
gesture touchpad for mouseless, fingertip navigation and control.

Universal connectivity

Multiple connectivity options keep you in touch with family, friends and colleagues. Enable high-
speed sharing of media files or documents using Bluetooth® 3.0+HS, and connect to the Internet
via Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ technology, Fast Ethernet, or optional 3G. And the integrated Acer
Crystal Eye webcam and microphone gear you up to engage in face-to-face chats with anyone in
any part of the world.


Linpus™ Linux® - 1024 x 600 WSVGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Webcam

Part Number LU.SDH0C.020


Genuine Windows® 7 Starter - 1024 x 600 WSVGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Bluetooth -

Part Number LU.SDH08.008
Ideal for cloud-based content on the go, this 10.1" netbook features amazing technologies for HD multimedia enjoyment,
creation and sharing, plus enhanced communication. You can get online anywhere via 3G (optional), and use enhanced faceto-
face chatting features -- all for up to 8 hours1,2 at a time.

Amazing HD Internet browsing

A new AMD C-Series processor2 delivers great multitasking with two cores and a GPU that
enables amazing acceleration for HD Internet video. An HD display and ATI Radeon™ HD 6250
graphics round out this versatile HD netbook, providing lifelike high-definition video on the go.
What's more, the graphics chip supports Microsoft® DirectX® 11 and 1080p HD video output via
HDMI® so you can transfer Full HD video to monitors, projectors and TVs.

Compact form factor in style

This 1" thin-and-light netbook fits perfectly in a backpack or handbag and its 360-degree design
gives a boutique look and feel. Ultraportable yet fitted with regular-size notebook ergonomics, it
features a 93% standard-size keyboard with bigger keys for comfortable typing, and a wide multi-
gesture touchpad for mouseless, fingertip navigation and control. And, the Aspire One 522 is
available in various colors to express your personal taste and identity.

Anywhere connectivity

The integrated Acer Crystal Eye 1.3 MP webcam lets you enjoy clear, lifelike image quality with
support for video recording and photo capture. Acer Video Conference Manager, meanwhile,
enhances face-to-face communication on instant messaging applications. Enable high-speed
sharing of media files or documents using Bluetooth® 3.0+HS, and connect to the Internet just

about anywhere with Wi-Fi®, Fast Ethernet or optional 3G.

Eco-friendy platform

Acer works closely with suppliers and manufacturers to systematically implement eco-friendly
production and parts. Full compliance with the RoHS and WEEE directives ensures that
responsible measures for recycling and sustainability are undertaken and maintained. The Aspire
One 522 is ENERGY STAR® 5.0 compliant, and features an eco-friendly panel, mainboard and
battery pack with reduced PVC, BFR and mercury.


Linpus™ Linux® - 1280 x 720 Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Webcam - HDMI

Part Number LU.SFH0C.015


Linpus™ Linux® - 1280 x 720 Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Webcam - HDMI

Part Number LU.SES0C.023

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Berbagi informasi tentang segala hal positif:

Tulisan mengatasi print spooler service not running ini sambungan dari mengatasi virus di windows. Ternyata virus yang sempat membuat semua icon di XPku hilang semua juga melumpuhkan printer. Driver printer tidak mengalami gangguan hanya saja aplilkasi print spoiler ternyata dihentikan oleh virus tersebut. Hal itu membuat fungsi add printer tidak jalan. Saat membuka word processing juga tidak bisa dipreview dan juga tidak bisa diprint. Tidak ada reaksi apapun saat dipencet perintah print. Permasalahan ini tidak bisa diatasi dengan menginstal ulang driver printer karena memang tidak terjadi error apapun di driver printer.

Untuk mengatasi ini aku lakukan langkah berikut:
1. klik start>run> ketik services.msc
2. Cari Print Spooler klik kanan dan pilih properties
3. pada startup type pilih automatic, kemudian klik start

Seharusnya setelah langkah ketiga, fungsi add printer dan fungsi printer pada berbagai aplikasi sudah jalan.
Akan tetapi tidak dengan komputerku karena ternyata si komputer tidak menemukan dimana harus mengeksekusi file exe yang dimaksud.

Aku curiga si virus yang dulu aku sikat, diam-diam memakan beberapa file yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan layanan printer. Akhirnya aku putuskan untuk mencari dll dan file yang dihapus oleh virus gak tau diri tersebut. Aku buka yahoo messenger dan meminta temenku di Aachen yang sedang online untuk mencari di folder windows kata spool dan aku minta untuk mengirim file-file tersebut. Akhirnya benar dugaanku bahwa si virus telah menghapus 5 file penting untuk layanan printer:

- winspool.drv
- winspool.exe
- spoolss.dll
- folder spool
- spoolsv.exe

Akhirnya aku copykan kelima file tersebut ke folder windows kecuali file kelima ke folder windows/system32. Setelah kelima file tersebut tercopy aku restart komputerku. Dengan mengulangi langkah membuka services.msc dan mengaktifkan print spooler masalah teratasi. Akhirnya fungsi add printer dan fungsi printer pada word processing, internet browser dan aplikasi lainnya jalan dengan mulus.

Pesan error Print Spooler Service not Running memang menjengkelkan. Aku harus utak atik selama 2 jam untuk menemukan solusi permasalahan ini. Setelah ketemu ternyata sangat mudah mengatasinya.

Semoga bermanfaat silahkan tinggalkan komentar, kritik & saran


Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Aspire Ethos

The Acer Ethos Series is designed for discriminating users like you who want the ultimate technologies in the most
sophisticated package. This first-class multimedia center delivers a high-definition home theater experience with ultra-realistic
visuals, professionally tuned acoustics, and state-of-the-art controls.

Premium multimedia

The LED-backlit high-resolution display will entrance you with vivid colors and precise details
while saving energy too. The Dolby®-optimized surround sound system featuring professionally
tuned speakers trumpets vibrant studio-quality acoustics. What's more, HDMI® connectivity
extends your HD enjoyment to an even bigger screen for the best in cinematic entertainment.

Ultimate performance

A turbo-charged processor and DDR3 memory blaze through the most intense computing
scenarios, while compelling graphics intensify your gaming and digital media enjoyment. A Bluray
Disc™ drive (optional) plays amazing multi-channel surround sound and high-definition
movie effects with true-to-master precision, and expansive storage space easily keeps
everything you want.

Boundless communication

Hook up to the Internet at blistering speeds with built-in wired or wireless connectivity.
Bluetooth® enables high-speed short-range wireless sharing, and the latest interfaces connect
the notebook to external devices for fast data transfers. And, engage in quality video chats using
the high-performance webcam.

Luxurious style and convenient controls

Intuitive controls and an advanced interface offer quick access to your multimedia for leisurely
listening, viewing and sharing. The Acer Bio-Protection fingerprint reader1 offers superior
biometric security, and the sleek chiclet keyboard enhances typing comfort. To top it off, the
premium finish and design make the Ethos Series look exceptionally elegant, so you can run the
show in style!


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - Finger Print Reader - HDMI

Part Number LX.PWH02.020


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 750 GB HDD - BD-
Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RE302.023
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice


The Aspire Series offers a diverse range of notebooks that give you the performance, graphics and communication tools to
step up your digital entertainment, complete your daily computing tasks, and stay in touch with everyone you know, whether
you're at home or away.

Powerful PC performance

With the abundance of graphics-intensive multimedia and sharing applications available these
days, smooth multitasking is more vital than ever before. Keeping this in mind, Aspire Series
notebooks pack today's best processors and memory options so your system always runs
efficiently. This series also provides ample storage for all the multimedia files you may wish to

Fantastic graphics and playback

High-resolution displays in a variety of sizes present intense imagery from first-rate graphics
options. Movies, Internet video, pictures and more shine brilliantly on Aspire Series notebooks,
and HDMI® connectivity extends the spectacle to larger displays. A Blu-ray Disc™ drive1 plays
the latest blockbusters with true-to-master precision, and Dolby®-optimized surround sound1
trumpets studio-quality acoustics.

The latest communication tools

Surf the Internet and stay in touch with your people with reliable, high-speed connectivity via
Ethernet, Wi-Fi® or 3G1. Engage in video chats using the Aspire's quality webcam. In addition,
Bluetooth® enables quick, short-range wireless sharing, and the latest interfaces connect to
external devices for fast data transfers.

Attractive Aspire appeal

Aspire Series notebooks are attractive, ergonomic and durable. Slim profiles, cool aesthetic
accents, and eye-catching colors abound, while easy-access controls ensure effortless handling.
A variety of environmentally sustainable materials with inviting textures and sturdy construction
endow the Aspire Series with a unique and solid feel.

Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Webcam -
HDMI - Color option: Black - Brown
Part Number LX.R7K0C.020
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Basic - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-
Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.R7K01.007
Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Webcam -
Part Number LX.R7H0C.018
Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Bluetooth -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.PXH0C.031
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.PXH02.025
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Bluetooth -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.PSM0C.043
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.PSM02.047
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 2 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam
Part Number LX.PSL02.069
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.R0202.001
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.PVW02.006
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

Aspire AS4253-E351G32Mncc
Genuine Windows® 7 Starter - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - DVD-Writer -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RDU08.001
Genuine Windows® 7 Starter - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-Writer -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RDU08.008
Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Intel -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RJE0C.015
Aspire AS4750-2312G50Mnkk
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Basic - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-
Writer - Intel - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RC801.009
Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Bluetooth -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RJ90C.032
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RJ602.027


Linpus™ Linux® - Intel Pentium (P6200, 2.13 GHz, 3 MB) - (14") LED - 16:9 WXGA - Active Matrix
TFT Colour LCD - CineCrystal - Display Resolution 1366 x 768 - 1 GB DDR3 SDRAM - 500 GB Serial
ATA - DVD - Writer - Colour Black - Weight (Approximate) 2.25 kg
Part Number LX.RFS0C.001


Linpus™ Linux® - Intel Core i3 (i3 - 380M, 2.53 GHz, 3 MB) - 35.6 cm (14") LED - 16:9 WXGA -
Active Matrix TFT Colour LCD - CineCrystal - Display Resolution 1366 x 768 - 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM -
320 GB Serial ATA - DVD - Writer - Colour Option: Black - Blue - Weight (Approximate) 2.25 kg
Part Number LX.RL20C.015
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

Aspire TimelineX

The Aspire TimelineX Series offers more than just time: it gives you more than 8 hours of excellent performance in a thin-light
design, and packs the Intel® Core™ processor family. TimelineX is very portable at less than one inch thick (24 mm)1, yet
available with powerful graphics and an HD widescreen, so no matter where you go, you'll have a crystal-clear view of digital

8-hour power and performance

The original Aspire Timeline series was the first to break the 8-hour battery life barrier, and the
Aspire TimelineX matches that and adds excellent performance straight out of the box. With
Aspire TimelineX, performance and battery life are no longer incompatible.

Start your engines

The Aspire TimelineX Series features the 2010 Intel® Core™ i7, Core™ i5 and Core™ i3
processors, delivering intelligent performance that adapts to your individual needs. With this kind
of power, the Aspire TimelineX Series is fabulous for creating digital video, playing intense
games, and having fun at home.

More than skin deep

With its slim, less-than-one-inch (24 mm)1 profile and brushed aluminum cover, an Apire
TimelineX is a beautiful sight -- as well as supremely easy to handle, carry and store, and it's
extremely durable. Plus, you get easy-to-use hotkeys, a multi-gesture touchpad and a topside
ODD button (14” and 15.6” models) for superior notebook control.

See, hear, share like never before

See TimelineX on the 16:9, high-definition LED-backlit display, and even enjoy it on a larger
display via HDMI®. Hear TimelineX through Dolby® Home Theater® v3 or Dolby® Sound
Room® 5.1-channel surround sound from the integrated stereo speakers or headphones for
enhanced movies, music and games. Share TimelineX through the Acer webcam, 802.11a/b/g/n
wireless, 3G WWAN and Mobile WiMAX2 connectivity.


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Basic - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD -
Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.PY401.004


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.REM02.004


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.REM02.007


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RDC02.012


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.RDC02.015
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

NEW Aspire TimelineX

The new-generation Aspire TimelineX delivers 25% longer battery1 life for up to 10 hours2, 3 of power -- an entire day of
multitasking and entertainment -- on a single charge. This ultra-slender notebook is just one-inch thin, yet still packs state-ofthe-
art performance, an HD webcam and a widescreen for a crisp view of digital life wherever you go!

Extremely power-smart

The 2011 Aspire TimelineX pushes it to the extreme with up to 10 hours2, 3 of battery life. Acer's
PowerSmart long-life battery retains 80% capacity for more than 1,000 charge cycles, for up to 4
years of use.4 A one-touch LED power indicator lights up in different colors, so you can check
your notebook's battery capacity with ease. The Aspire TimelineX optimizes performance and
battery life to the max.

Extreme performance

The Aspire TimelineX Series features next-generation Intel® Core™ i Series processors and
advanced graphics options for performance that adapts to your needs. An enhanced sound
system with Dolby® Home Theater® v4 delivers audio with improved dialogue clarity and tone.
Super-speed USB 3.0 transfers data up to ten times faster than before. The extreme
performance enhances digital video, games and all-round fun at home or on the road.

Extreme convenience

A one-inch profile and the Cobalt Blue aluminum cover make this notebook ultra-slim, strikingly
beautiful and very durable. The chiclet keyboard has nice key spacing for accurate typing, while
easy-to-use hotkeys and a multi-gesture touchpad enable superior control. Plus, you can
recharge devices like a cell phone or portable media player even if your notebook is turned off,
thanks to the innovative USB power-off charging feature.

Extreme connectivity

The Aspire TimelineX features advanced communication techologies to keep you well-connected
wherever you go. The Acer Crystal Eye HD webcam with 720p high-definition audio/visual
recording enables ultra-clear face-to-face chats with family and friends. Today's finest
connectivity options include 3G, Bluetooth® 3.0+HS, 802.11b/g/n wireless and Gigabit Ethernet,
ensuring strong Internet access while you're on the move.


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
nVIDIA GeForce GT 540M - Bluetooth - Webcam - 9 Hour Battery - HDMI
Part Number LX.RFR02.016


Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 4 GB RAM - 640 GB HDD -
DVD-Writer - nVIDIA GeForce GT 540M - Bluetooth - Webcam - 9 Hour Battery - HDMI
Part Number LX.RGM02.026
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice


The Acer TravelMate Series of notebooks features dependable processing power, wide-ranging communication capabilities,
and indispensible security solutions to empower mobile professionals like you. Designed to keep your business running while
you're on the move, this streamlined notebook boasts corporate-level manageability and convenient handling. An eco-friendly
design and energy-conserving features help save cost, as well as the environment.
Proficient performance
The TravelMate Series runs on a quick and energy-efficient processor, while integrated graphics
help you make impressive business presentations. ENERGY STAR® compliant, this notebook
features energy-smart technologies that reduce power consumption.
Seamless communication
While on the go, receive all your emails and do business transactions with Wi-Fi® connectivity.
When in the office, quickly connect to the Internet via wired LAN. For fast wireless file transfers
and sharing, connect to other devices using Bluetooth® technology.
Proactive security
Don't worry about system intrusion and data theft with finger-recognition technology1. Be at
peace knowing that your files and applications can easily be restored with recovery software.
Back up your system using an intuitive application. Also, if lost or stolen, your notebook can be
tracked via Wi-Fi®1.
Reliable manageability1
Some TravelMate models feature vPro™ technology, which increases data safety and your
productivity with processor-level security and better application performance. The Acer
MediaBay, a cost-effective docking solution, offers a convenient way to extend the capabilities of
the notebook. Also, the Acer FineTrack™ pointing device makes onscreen navigation easier.


Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Bluetooth -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.TVQ0C.087


Linpus™ Linux® - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-Writer - Bluetooth -
Webcam - HDMI
Part Number LX.TXW0C.058
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

TravelMate TimelineX

The TravelMate TimelineX Series features 8+ hours of battery life1, 2 in a highly mobile design with efficient processing
power, wide-ranging communication capabilities, and indispensible security solutions to maximize your potential while on the
move. To top it off, these notebooks are hazardous-substance-free and integrate energy-conserving features to help save
cost and the environment.
On-the-go productivity
Designed for your on-the-move business needs, the TravelMate TimelineX can handle 8+ hours
without needing to be plugged in. A port replicator provides splendid expansion, streamlines
cable management, and allows multiple devices to run at the same time.
Designed to travel
A slim and lightweight design makes carrying easier, while enhanced anti-shock technology
insulates the hard drive and data from the bumps of daily life. Acer Thermal Comfort technology
keeps the processor and notebook casing cooler, so you can use it on your lap comfortably.
Efficient performance, environmentally sound
A quick and power-efficient processor plus impressive graphics will help you make convincing
business presentations. What's more, the TravelMate TimelineX Series is free of hazardous
substances, and meets EPEAT® Silver, RoHS, WEEE and ENERGY STAR® standards to
protect the environment.
Multiple communication options
While on the go, receive all your emails and do business transactions with Wi-Fi® connectivity.
For fast wireless file transfers and sharing, connect to other devices using Bluetooth®
technology. Face-to-face business conferences are possible anywhere with the built-in webcam.


Genuine Windows® 7 Professional - 1366 x 768 WXGA Display - 2 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - DVD-
Writer - Bluetooth - Webcam
Part Number LX.V0603.09500
Daftar harga laptop Acer Juli 2011 ini terupdate setiap sebulan sekali, harga ini merupakan riview harga pasaran pada tahun 2011. Harga ini bisa berubah sewaktu waktu, daftar harga ini sebagai patokan saja apabila anda semua mau membeli laptop Acer ini.

Harga Laptop Acer Juli 2011 :

Acer Aspire 4738-381G50Mn  Rp 5.400.000
Core i3-380M, 1GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Black, Brown, Red

Acer Aspire 4741-351G32Mn  Rp 5.400.000
Core i3-350M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Black, Silver

Acer Aspire 4741-352G32Mn  Rp 6.200.000
Core i3-350M, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Basic, Black, Silver

Acer Aspire 4745G-5462G64Mnks  Rp 8.100.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD5650 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Acer Aspire 4745G-5462G64Mnks  Rp 7.300.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD5650 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Acer Aspire 5745DG-7744G64Mn  Rp 12.700.000
Core i7-740QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT425M 1GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Acer Aspire 5943G-7744G64Mn  Rp 13.600.000
Core i7-740QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATI Radeon HD5650 1GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Acer Aspire One AO532H  Rp 3.200.000
Atom N450, 1GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel 3110 - HD video playback 720p, Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Win XP Home Edition (with 6-cell battery)

Acer Aspire One AOD260  Rp 3.300.000
Intel® Atom™ processor N450, (512KB L2 cache, 1.66GHz, 533MHz FSB) Hyper Threading, Display 10.1inch WSGA LED, Intel NM10 Express Chipset, DDR2 1GB, HDD 160GB, VGA-Out, 10 / 100 LAN, 5-in-1 Media Reader, 6 cell battery, 3x usb, Acer Crystal eye webcam, wireless LAN 802.11b/g, Super Slim Design, Windows XP, Color Available : Black, Silver, Pink

Acer Aspire One D255 Non OS  Rp 3.000.000
Intel Atom N550 1.5Ghz, 1GB DDR3, 160GB, Hyper Threading 10.1inch Wide TFT, No Optical Drive, No Modem, Camera, Wifi, Card Reader, Linux, Batt 6 Cell, Brown, Red, White

Acer Aspire One D255 Win 7 Starter  Rp 3.500.000
Intel Atom N550 1.5Ghz, 1GB DDR3, 250GB, Hyper Threading 10.1inch Wide TFT, No Optical Drive, No Modem, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Win 7 Starter, Batt 6 Cell, Brown, Red, White

Acer Aspire One D260  Rp 3.000.000
Intel® Atom™ processor N450 (512KB L2 cache, 1.66GHz, 533MHz FSB) Hyper Threading, Display 10.1inch WSGA LED, Intel NM10 Express Chipset, DDR2 1GB, HDD 160GB, VGA-Out, 10 / 100 LAN, 5-in-1 Media Reader, 6 cell battery, 3x usb, Acer Crystal eye webcam, wireless LAN 802.11b/g, Super Slim Design, Linpus Linux OS, Color Available : Black, Silver, Pink

Acer Aspire One Happy N55C  Rp 2.850.000
Atom N550, 1GB DDR3, 160GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS, Blue, Green

Acer Aspire One Happy N55DQ  Rp 3.400.000
Atom N550, 1GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Win7 Starter, Purple, Blue, Green, Pink

Acer Aspire Timeline 1410T-232G25n  Rp 5.700.000
Celeron SU2300, 2GB DDR2, 250GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 4500 271MB (shared), Camera, 11.6inch WXGA, Non OS - FREE DVDRW External

Acer Aspire Timeline 3810T-354G50N  Rp 7.200.000
Core2 Solo SU3500, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 4500 271MB (shared), Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win Vista Home Premium

Acer Aspire Timeline 3820T-372G50ns  Rp 6.800.000
Core i3-370M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD SATA, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Basic

Acer Aspire Timeline 4820TG-5464G64Mnss  Rp 9.000.000
Core i5-460M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD5650 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Acer Ferrari One 200-314G32n  Rp 7.200.000
AMD Athlon X2 L310, 4GB DDR2, 320GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD3200 256MB (shared), 11.6inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Acer Ferrari One 200-314G50nrk  Rp 7.300.000
AMD Athlon X2 L310, 4GB DDR2, 500GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD3200 256MB (shared), 11.6inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Acer TravelMate 6293-872G32Mn (3G)  Rp 11.400.000
Core2 Duo P8700, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, HSDPA, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel GMA 4500 358MB (shared), Camera, 12.1inch WXGA, Win7 Pro

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Buat Pengguna Corel Draw X4 atau X5. gak bisa nge-print, nge-save, nge-export, cuma bisa
bikin kepala pening saja. tapiiii tenang dulu.

Jangan putus asa, bisa diatasi.
Caranya copy-kan file psikey_2.dll ke folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Protexis\License Service. Copy-paste saja file psikey_2.dllnya, kalo minta replace ya di replace sj.
download filenya di sini

OK! Selamat mencoba semoga bisa

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Daftar harga laptop Asus Juli 2011 ini terupdate setiap sebulan sekali, harga ini merupakan riview harga pasaran pada tahun 2011. Harga ini bisa berubah sewaktu waktu, daftar harga ini sebagai patokan saja apabila anda semua mau membeli laptop Asus ini.

Harga Laptop Asus Juli 2011 :

Asus A42F-VX109D  Rp 5.400.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus A42F-VX115D  Rp 4.500.000
Dual Core P6000, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus A42JA-VX077D  Rp 8.100.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD5730 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus A42JC-VX047V  Rp 9.000.000
Core i5-520M, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit, Black

Asus A42JC-VX062D  Rp 7.200.000
Core i5-450M, 1GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Black

Asus A42JC-VX113D  Rp 6.500.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Grey

Asus A42JC-VX113V  Rp 7.200.000
Core i3-370M, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus A42JC-VX178D  Rp 7.200.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Grey

Asus A42N-VX045D  Rp 3.900.000
AMD V140, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD4200, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus Eee PC 1005PX  Rp 2.600.000
Atom N455, 1GB DDR3, 160GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS

Asus Eee PC 1015PED  Rp 2.950.000
Atom N475, 1GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS

Asus Eee PC 1015PEM  Rp 2.900.000
Atom N550, 1GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS

Asus Eee PC 1015PEM  Rp 3.400.000
Atom N550, 1GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Win7 Starter

Asus Eee PC 1215P  Rp 3.200.000
Atom N550, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 3150 256MB (shared), 12.1inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus Eee PC 1215T  Rp 3.650.000
Athlon II Neo K125, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD4250 256MB (shared), 12.1inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus Eee PC VX6 Lamborghini  Rp 6.300.000
Atom D525, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Nvidia ION 512MB, Camera, 12.1inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium

Asus G51Jx (3D)  Rp 18.000.000
Core i7-720QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GTS360M 1GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus K42F-VX162D  Rp 4.400.000
Dual Core P6000, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 4500 MHD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Black

Asus K42F-VX166D  Rp 6.400.000
Core i5-450M, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 4500 MHD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42F-VX263D  Rp 4.500.000
Dual Core P6100, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42F-VX265D  Rp 5.300.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42F-VX332D  Rp 4.700.000
Core i3-350M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42F-VX333D  Rp 4.500.000
Core i3-330M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42JA-VX039D  Rp 8.200.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD5730 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42JC-VX108D  Rp 6.300.000
Core i3-370M, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42JC-VX190D  Rp 7.200.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42JC-VX190V  Rp 8.100.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus K42JE-VX142D  Rp 4.900.000
Dual Core P6100, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42JE-VX153D  Rp 5.700.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus K42JE-VX153D  Rp 5.700.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus N43JF-VX034V  Rp 11.300.000
Core i5-460M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, BD-Combo, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT425M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus NX90JQ-YZ066V  Rp 23.600.000
Core i7-740M, 8GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, BD-Combo, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GTX335M 1GB, TV Tuner, Camera, 18.4inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus U35JC-RX018D  Rp 6.800.000
Core i3-370M, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Non OS, Black, Silver

Asus U35JC-RX117V  Rp 8.600.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64-bit

Asus U43JC-WX097V  Rp 10.800.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus U45JC-WX072D  Rp 8.100.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Black, Silver

Asus U45JC-WX073V  Rp 9.100.000
Core i5-460M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce 310M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus U80V-WX129V  Rp 7.000.000
Core2 Duo T6570, 2GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi 4570HD 512MB, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium, Black

Asus UL30JT-RX015V  Rp 10.500.000
Core i5-520UM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G310M 1GB, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64bit

Asus UL30VT  Rp 6.900.000
Core2 Duo SU7300, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA G210M 512MB, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium, Black, Silver

Asus X42JE-VX145D  Rp 4.600.000
Dual Core P6100, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Blue, White, Pink

Asus X42JE-VX146D  Rp 5.800.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS, Red, Pink

Asus X42JE-VX147D  Rp 5.800.000
Core i3-370M, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus X42JE-VX148D  Rp 4.600.000
Dual Core P6100, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus X42JE-VX149D  Rp 4.600.000
Dual Core P6100, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 512MB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Asus X42JR-VX140D  Rp 8.200.000
Core i7-740M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA ATi Radeon HD5470 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011


Genuine Windows® 7 Starter - Intel® Atom™ processor N550 (1 MB L2 cache - 1.50 GHz) - 10.1"
WSVGA (1024 x 600) LED-backlit TFT LCD - 1GB DDR3 - 320GB HDD - Multi-in-one card reader -
Bluetooth - 6-cell battery - Android™ InstantOn - Color: Hawaii blue
Part Number LU.SEF08.007

Linpus™ Linux® - Intel® Atom™ processor N550 (1 MB L2 cache - 1.50 GHz) - 10.1" WSVGA (1024
x 600) LED-backlit TFT LCD - 1GB DDR3 - 320GB HDD - Multi-in-one card reader - 6-cell battery -
Color: Hawaii blue
Part Number LU.SEF0C.019

Genuine Windows® 7 Starter - 1024 x 600 WSVGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Bluetooth -
Webcam - Color: Lime green  
Part Number LU.SED08.022

Genuine Windows® 7 Starter - 1024 x 600 WSVGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Bluetooth -
Webcam - Color: Hawaii blue
Part Number LU.SEB08.020

Linpus™ Linux® - 1024 x 600 WSVGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Webcam - Color: Lime
Part Number LU.SED0C.028
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

Linpus™ Linux® - 1024 x 600 WSVGA Display - 1 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - Webcam - Color:
Lavender Purple
Part Number LU.SEB0C.028
Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Hiren's adalah beraneka ragam tools komputer yang di kemas jadi 1 program. untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi situs resminya
Step 1

Connect USB Pen Drive (1GB or more)
Step 2
Download and Run USB Disk Storage Format USB Disk Storage Format USBFormat.zip (34KB)
Step 3
Download grubinst_gui Grub 4 Dos grub4dos.zip (179KB) and Run as Administrator
Step 4
Insert the BootCD (10.3 or newer) in the CD Drive and Copy everything from CD to USB Flash Drive
Step 5
Copy grldr and menu.lst from grub4dos.zip (or from HBCD folder) to the usb drive
Step 6
Test Your USB Drive (read bottom of the page for troubleshoot)

bagi yang suka otak atik kamputer kayaknya perlu software ini. sebenarnya sich bukan penemuan sendiri... kerena menurut aku ini penemuan yang oke. layak buat di bagi2 hehe... kayak makanan aja. lebih enaknya lagi bs booting lewat flasdisk. pokoknya mudah & praktis. langsung aja dech buat yg penasaran mau nyoba silahkan di unduh saja. sudah di sertakan tutorial cara pembuatannya koq, segera aja di unduh di sini